Searching for the freshest Bubble Gum Simulator codes? In this Roblox experience, players focus on collecting the best bubble gum and blowing the biggest bubbles. It has all the essential elements that make a Roblox game popular—charming collectibles and competitive training aspects—so it’s easy to see why a lively codes scene has developed around it.
Bubble Gum Simulator codes provide you with a fantastic selection of free rewards, including boosts, currency enhancements, eggs, and pets. There are many active codes available in the game, but remember that each code can only be redeemed once. Luckily, the list below is extensive and will help you enjoy free boosts for a while. Keep reading for the latest Bubble Gum Simulator codes and how to redeem them.
Bubble Gum Simulator Working Codes list March 2025
Updated (March 2025): Here are the latest working Bubble Gum Simulator Codes for you to redeem:
- 2020: 2x Hatch Speed (4 hours)
- 20HourLuck: 2x Luck (4 hours)
- 2hourluck: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- 300k: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- SuperSpooky: 2x Luck
- Update77: 2x Hatch Speed
- 300M: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- 400m: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- 600M: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- 600MBoost: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- AncientTimes: 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)
- AtlantisHats: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- Autumn: 2x Hatch Speed (5 hours)
- AutumnSale: 2x Luck (5 hours)
- AutumnSale2: 2x Hatch Speed (5 hours)
- BeachBoost: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- BGSStream: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- BGSXMAS: 2x Hatch Speed (3 hours)
- BlizzyrdBest: 2x Luck (3 hours)
- BlizzyrdOP: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- BlizzyWizzy: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- BlueCrew: 5,000 Gems
- BriteJuice: 2x Luck (5 minutes)
- BubblePass: 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- Bunny: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- Candy: 1,000 Candy
- CANDYCANE: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- CandyCanes: 100 Candy Canes
- Carnival: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Carnival2: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Challenges: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- ChocolateEgg: 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)
- Christmas: 5,000 Candy Canes
- Christmas2020: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- ChristmasBoost: 2x Hatch Speed (4 hours)
- ChristmasHype: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- ChristmasPart2: 2x Hatch Speed (3 hours)
- CHRISTMASSTREAM: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Circus: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Citrus: 2x Hatch Speed (16 hours)
- Clown: 2x Luck (4 hours)
- Colorful: 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)
- Costume: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Cupid: 2x Hatch Speed (4 hours)
- DeeterPlays: 5,000 Blocks
- Easter21: 2x Luck (6 hours)
- Eeaster2020: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- EpicSecretCode: 2x Luck (3 hours)
- ExtraLuck: 2x Luck (10 minutes)
- Fancy: 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)
- Fancy2: 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- Fireworks: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- FREE: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- FreeBoost: 2x Hatch Speed (30 minutes)
- FreeCoins: 150 Coins
- FreeEgg: Spotted Egg
- FreeHatchSpeed: 2x Hatch Speed (3 hours)
- FreePet: Twitter Dominus
- FreeSpeed: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- FreeSpeedBoost: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- FrostEgg: Frost Egg (Only redeemable when the developers are live on Twitch)
- FrostPortal: 2x Luck (6 hours)
- Galactic: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Ghosts: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Glitch: 2x Luck (6 hours)
- Halloween: 2x Luck (3 hours)
- HammieIsBadAtRocketLeague: 2x Luck (4 hours)
- HappyEaster: 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- HappyHolidays: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- hiddenvideocode: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- InThePast: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- JollyChristmas: 2x Luck (6 hours)
- JollyChristmas2: 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)
- Jonathan: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- July4th: 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- KingMushGang: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- KingSlimeGang: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Kraken: 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- LostCity: 2x Luck (20 minutes)
- LotsOfGems: 25 Gems
- Luckiest: 2x Luck (6 hours)
- LuckyCode: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- LuckyDay: 2x Luck (30 minutes)
- LuckyDay2: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- MegaLuckBoost: 2x Luck (12 hours)
- MegaSale: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- MegaSpeedBoost: 2x Hatch Speed (12 hours)
- Merchant: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Meteor: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- MILKANDCOOKIES: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Minime: 2,500 Coins
- MoreCandy: 4,000 Candy
- Mushroom: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Mystic: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Mythic: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Mythical: 3x Shiny Chance (20 minutes)
- MythicStream: 3x Mythic Chance (2 hours)
- NewEgg: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- NewWorld: 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- ObscureEntity: 500 Coins
- Ocean: 2x Luck (20 minutes)
- Part2: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Pass: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- pinkarmypet: 5,000 Gems
- Portal: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Poseidon: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- ReallyFancy: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- Royalty: 2x Hatch Speed (4 hours)
- RUDOLPH: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- RumbleStream: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Santa: 2,000 Candy Canes
- SANTACLAUS: 2x Hatch Speed (3 hours)
- Season 8: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Season3: 2x Luck (3 hours)
- Season7: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- SecretBoost: 2x Hatch Speed (10 minutes)
- SecretCode: 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- SecretLuckCode: 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- SecretPet: Toy Serpent
- Secrets: 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)
- SecretVideoCode: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Shadow: 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)
- ShinyStream: 3x Shiny Chance (2 hours)
- Sircfenner: Spotted Egg
- sircfenneriscool: 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- sircfennerNoob: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Special: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- SpeedBoost: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- SpeedyBoi: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- Split: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- SpookyCode: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- SpookyHalloween: 2x Hatch Speed (5 hours)
- Spotted: Spotted Egg
- Spring: 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)
- StPatrickLuck: 2x Luck (6 hours)
- StPatricks: 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- StreamLuck: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- StreamSpeed: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Summer: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- SuperBeach: 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- SUPERBOOST: 2x Luck (3 hours)
- SuperCoins: 1,000 Coins
- SuperGems: 100 Gems
- SuperLuck: 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- SuperSale: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- SuperSecret: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- SuperSecretCode: 2x Luck (3 hours)
- superspeed: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- SuperSpooky: 2x Luck (6 hours)
- Sylently: 10,000 Candy Canes
- SylentlyBest: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- SylentlyIsCool: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- SylentlyOP: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Thanks: 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)
- ThankYou: 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- Tofuu: 5,000 Coins
- Tomcat: 2x Hatch Speed (5 minutes)
- TrickOrTreat: 2x Hatch Speed (3 hours)
- Twiisted: 5,000 Gems
- TwitterRelease: Twitter Dog
- UltraSpeed: 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- UncleSam: 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)
- UnderTheSea: 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- Update16: 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- Update21: 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- Update45: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Update46: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Update47: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Update48: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Update49: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update50: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update51: 2x Luck (6 hours)
- Update52: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update53: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update54: 2x Luck (6 hours)
- Update55: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update57: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update58: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update59: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update60: 2x Luck (16 hours)
- Update61: 2x Luck (5 hours)
- Update63: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update64: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update65: 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update67: 2x Luck (3 hours)
- Update68: 2x Luck (4 hours)
- Update70: 2x Luck (4 hours)
- Update71: 2x Luck (6 hours)
- Update72: 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)
- Update73: 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)
- Update74: 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)
- Update75: 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)
- Update77: 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)
- Update78: 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)
- Vacation: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Valentine: 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)
- Valentines: 2x Luck (4 hours)
- Vine: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Youtube: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- YouTubeLuck: 2x Luck (3 hours)
- YouTubeSpeed: 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- FreeDominusPet: Spookivus
- TwitchRelease: TwitchKitty
- Golemite: Twitch Golem
How to redeem codes in Bubble Gum Simulator
You can redeem your Bubble Gum Simulator codes right in the game, not on the Roblox platform. So, go ahead and launch the game first. On the main screen, check the left side for a Twitter icon (the blue bird) and a text box labeled “Code Here.” Type in your desired code and hit “Enter” to redeem it.
What is Bubble Gum Simulator?
Bubble Gum Simulator (BGS) is a fun clicking game, much like Clicker Simulator and Anime Clicker Simulator. The goal is to click as quickly as possible to make your bubblegum bubble grow! The quicker you click, the bigger your bubble gets! Once it reaches its maximum size, you can sell it for coins and buy new pets to help you blow bubbles even faster. Keep repeating this cycle, and you’ll be creating massive bubbles in no time!
Why aren’t my codes working?
Roblox codes don’t all last the same length of time; some can expire really fast, sometimes in just 24 hours or even sooner! If you try to use a code and see a message saying Code Expired, it means that code is no longer valid and can’t be redeemed anymore.
Unfortunately, there’s no way to resolve this issue since the code is not accessible. If you enter a code and receive an “Invalid Code” message, it probably means you made a typo or didn’t use the right capitalization. In that case, please try retyping the code carefully, ensuring you match it exactly as it appears!
Bubble Gum Simulator Codes (Expired)
These Bubble Gum Simulator codes no longer work:
- FreeDominusPet – Redeem code for a Spookivus Pet
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