One of the standout features of Stardew Valley is undoubtedly its dating system, which lets players pursue romantic relationships with many characters in the game. Recently, however, a new character introduced in update 1.6 alongside the trout derby has caught the attention of fans, sparking a desire for even more romantic options.
Stardew Valley is still going strong with updates nearly ten years after its launch, proving that there’s always room for more content in this cherished life simulation. A highlight of the 1.6 update is the introduction of new mini-festivals, including a fishing event called the trout derby. Here, players can win prizes while trying to catch rainbow trout each summer. During this event, visitors from out of town join in, lured by the excitement of fishing. One character, affectionately referred to as “the Trout Man,” has won over many players, sparking renewed interest in adding more romanceable characters to the game.
The Trout Man Should Find Love in Pelican Town

Romance and marriage have become incredibly popular features in Stardew Valley, solidifying their place as essential elements in the life simulation genre. Many fans enjoy replaying the game just to pursue a different romance with one of the 12 available bachelors and bachelorettes. Given how beloved the romance aspect is, it’s surprising that it hasn’t seen much change in the major updates. While new locations and events have been introduced, some players are hoping for more bachelors and bachelorettes to join the roster. Characters like the Trout Man, Pam, and Linus have been single for far too long and deserve their shot at love. The bright side is that with ongoing updates, there’s always a chance for new romantic characters to be included.
Which Stardew Valley Characters Should Be Romance Options?
Fans are discovering a new affection for the Trout Man, proving that even the smallest characters can capture players’ hearts. Although he has limited dialogue with the player, Trout Man has emerged as one of the most popular non-romanceable bachelors in Stardew Valley. Sadly, it seems unlikely that he will become a romantic option, as his character isn’t prominent enough. However, there are plenty of other fantastic non-romanceable characters in Stardew Valley that players are equally fond of, and they might be given a bigger role if the opportunity presents itself.
While many players tend to oppose JojaMart, the game does hint at some advantages to supporting the corporation in Pelican Town. Interestingly, some fans have expressed a preference for a Pro-Joja Corporation playthrough, even though the company is generally disliked within the community. If Morris were to become a romanceable character, it could open up a richer narrative for the Joja Corporation. By forming a romantic relationship with the company’s representative in Pelican Town, players might uncover a different aspect of his character beyond the slick businessman he usually portrays. Should a future update delve into JojaMart, dating Morris could provide a fresh perspective on Stardew Valley.
Sandy is a character who doesn’t get much attention, mainly because she resides in the desert outside of Pelican Town, making her less accessible to players. However, many have observed that she possesses a glamorous and mysterious aura that draws them in, sparking curiosity about her life. She even shares a line of dialogue that hints at a shared admiration, expressing a desire to spend a day alone with the farmer. Given her intriguing personality, Sandy feels like an underused character, and making her a marriage option would allow players to connect with her in a way that hasn’t been possible until now.
It seems there aren’t any current plans to introduce additional romance options in Stardew Valley, but that hasn’t stopped players from asking for it. Here are a few ideas on how the game could expand by incorporating more romantic elements into the life simulation.