Signal Space Lab’s Human Within beautifully blends virtual reality gaming with interactive storytelling, transitioning seamlessly between the two formats in a way that’s truly innovative for the platform. The game’s interactive elements are primarily found in its classic virtual reality segments, while the 360-degree live-action scenes encourage players to engage in some intriguing decision-making.
In a recent chat with Game Rant, creative director Avi Winkler emphasized the significance of impactful choices in Human Within and in interactive media overall. He shared insights on how the logistical hurdles of live-action filming turned out to enhance player decision-making. Winkler also explained how players will navigate these choices in Human Within.
Human Within’s Choices Are Quality-Over-Quantity
Because of its interactive storytelling aspect, Human Within is somewhat shorter than many well-known VR games that aim to keep players engaged for extended periods. Instead, it feels more like a feature-length film, maintaining a strong narrative throughout. Winkler notes that this shorter format required the team to be more discerning about the choices presented to players.
While Human Within is a long-form interactive experience in the VR sense, it’s not a 15-to-20-hour experience. It’s about an hour to an hour and a half per playthrough. The time can vary depending on how long it takes you to solve puzzles, which scenes you watch, and what ending you get.
While Human Within is a long-form interactive experience in the VR sense, it’s not a 15-to-20-hour experience. It’s about an hour to an hour and a half per playthrough. The time can vary depending on how long it takes you to solve puzzles, which scenes you watch, and what ending you get.
Because of the duration of Human Within, we have to be very selective regarding the choice opportunities in the story and the fact that it’s live-action. That all impacts the shooting schedule and production process. Filming a branching narrative in live action is a huge endeavor, so we are very selective about the opportunities. As a result, your choices significantly influence which ending you ultimately get.
The team had to keep practicality in mind while working on Human Within. If they included too many branching paths and endings, it would complicate an already ambitious project. This could lead to delays in filming, scriptwriting, and other production tasks due to the overwhelming amount of content. However, this limitation turned out to be an advantage for Signal Space Lab. Winkler points out that being selective helped ensure that Human Within was filled with truly impactful decisions. It’s a smart approach that balances quality and efficiency.
Human Within Isn’t About Good and Evil Choices
Game Rant inquired whether Human Within would categorize choices as ‘good’ or ‘evil,’ similar to the ‘paragon’ and ‘renegade’ system in Mass Effect. Winkler clarified that the decisions in Human Within are split between selfish and compassionate paths. This method draws a parallel to the dialogue system in Mass Effect: Andromeda, where choices are influenced more by emotions and the player’s perspective rather than adhering to a rigid moral binary.
Not good versus evil, it’s not quite like that. Everyone in the world is unique and makes choices in their life based on a variety of circumstances. The choices in Human Within are based on selfish versus compassionate options
While these choices impact the events that follow their underlying themes, they also reflect the choices that are made behind the advancements of technology. “Is technology always created for the betterment of humanity, or are there sometimes ulterior motives behind their development?”
It’s important to highlight how player choices shape the evolving narrative of Human Within. The game features immersive 360-degree live-action scenes set in the past, allowing players to craft their own backstory and create a history that impacts the ‘present time’ moments. Rather than just making choices for immediate scenarios, players encounter decisions that can significantly alter their future. With its captivating narrative theme and a unique blend of interactive elements, Human Within stands out as a VR game that deserves attention.