Rumiko Takahashi, the talented mind behind beloved series like Ranma 1/2 and Inuyasha, has recently given a shout-out to a manga by Ryuhei Tamura, known for Beelzebub. This endorsement adds to the growing list of recommendations from renowned creators in the manga world.
A positive recommendation can significantly boost a series’ popularity. Since Rumiko Takahashi is widely respected, it’s probable that many fans will take the time to explore this particular work.
Takahashi encourages readers to explore Cosmos. Her endorsement is highlighted on the obi of the fifth volume, which is the strip of paper wrapped around the manga cover. Earlier volumes included remarks from notable creators like Arakawa, Kubo, and Fujita.
Rumiko’s Message About Cosmos
According to Comic Natalie, the message featured in the obi is as follows:
This is a story about daily life in a surreal world. It’s real, cool, and interesting at the same time.
What is Cosmos’ Premise?
Cosmos is the newest creation from Ryuhei Tamura, currently featured in Sunday Gene-X, a monthly magazine, since 2023. To date, there are 5 volumes that have been compiled from the chapters released.
The narrative unfolds within COSMOS, an insurance firm dedicated to extraterrestrial beings. It centers around Kaede Mizumori, a high school student who unexpectedly encounters the enigmatic Rin Homura.
The manga is currently in its fifth volume, which could make it a contender for the prestigious Taisho Award, a highly respected manga accolade in Japan.
Tamura is primarily recognized for his work on Beelzebub, but he has also created several other notable series. These include Hard-Boiled Cop and Dolphin, Hungry Marie, and Pyramid no Himitsu.
Note:-Cosmos is licensed in the US by VIZ Media, and the first volume should be released this year.