The Dragon Challenge is a special event in Coin Master, where players embark on an epic adventure to win big rewards. The event begins with spinning to fill the progress bar and win the Castle of Fortune. As you advance through the Castle, you can complete Dragon Challenge missions for additional rewards. The event allows continuous progress even after completing all missions, and players can win the Castle of Fortune multiple times during the event’s duration.
How Dragon Challenge Works?
Spin to Fill the Bar: Start by spinning the slot machine to fill the progress bar and unlock the Castle of Fortune.
Complete Dragon Challenge Missions: As you advance through the Castle, you’ll encounter missions that offer extra rewards. Check the pay table to understand which actions help you progress.
Win the Castle of Fortune Multiple Times: Even after completing all Dragon Challenge missions, the event continues, allowing you to win the Castle of Fortune more than once and keep earning rewards.
This event provides an exciting way to enhance your Coin Master experience with chances for multiple wins and valuable prizes.
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